Sirius' blog


some experiences for sending QQ message by python

I have many friends in QQ, so it’s a tired job to send message to greet when the festival came. I saw a project not long ago for giving suggesstions to newers in the community group, and I contacted qqbot at that time:


qqbot is a robot for QQ based on Tencent SmartQQ protocol realized by python, you can use it to write your own QQ bot in python.


pip install qqbot


usage is on the github, and in Chinese, I won’t copy it

there is my example:

import time
# for using sleep , the first time didn't add sleep, and I was banned for hours (XD)
from qqbot import _bot as bot
bot.Login(['-q', 'your_qq_number'])
# it may pop up the image viewer for displaying the QR code for logging in
g = bot.List('buddy')
# variable for storing the informations of your friends
clist = ['mark_a', 'mark_b']
# list to store marks of the friends whose mark and call is the same
blist = {'mark_a1': 'call_1', 'mark_a2': 'call_2'}
# list to store marks and calls of the friends whose mark and call is different
for i in g:
    if i.mark in blist:
        bot.SendTo(i, '新年快乐!'+blist[i.mark])
    elif i.mark in clist:
        bot.SendTo(i, '新年快乐!'+i.mark)

That’s my script, if you have other demand, you can use the interfaces to write other scripts, there are many interfaces it offers, the project is really great!

I don’t mean to hurt someone’s feeling, just a test for qqbot, and I really added too many friends, so don’t tell others:)